

Self-portrait in Pembroke Studios
oil, wax, chacoal on panel, 139 x 102 cm

Eileen Hogan was born in London and studied at Camberwell School of Arts, Royal Academy Schools, the British School of Archaeology at Athens, and the Royal College of Art. She is Professor at the University of the Arts London, a Trustee of the Royal Drawing School and an Ambassador for the Salvesen Mindroom Centre, a Scottish charity which is a centre of excellence in neurodiversity. She is represented by Browse & Darby, London.

selected solo and two-person exhibitions

2024 Strange Weather: Paintings by Eileen Hogan 2020-2024, Browse & Darby, London

Eileen Hogan: Personal Geographies, retrospective at the Yale Center for British Art; Browse & Darby, London
2017 Artist-Not-In-Residence, The Garden Museum, London
2015 Eileen Hogan: Edges and Enclosures, Browse & Darby, London
2014 Eileen Hogan at Little Sparta, the Stockwood Discovery Centre, Luton Museums
2013 Vacant Possession, NewArtCentre, Roche Court, Eileen Hogan at Little Sparta, Fleming Collection London
2009 Romilly Saumarez Smith: bookbindings for Eileen Hogan Victoria and Albert Museum (and in 2010 at the Yale Center for British Art)
2008 The Fine Art Society with Leonard Rosoman
2007 Eileen Hogan’s Poetry Box San Francisco Center for the Book
2006 Four Squares, The Fine Art Society (solo shows at The FAS in 1997; 1993; 1988; 1986; 1985; 1982 and 1980).
2005 Portraits, Power and Politics: Buckinghamshire County Museum

selected group exhibitions

2021 The 2021 Prize Exhibition, Ruth Borchard Collection, Coventry Cathedral
2021 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (annually since 1974)
2019 The D-Day Story, Portsmouth Museum
2018 A History of Drawing, Camberwell College of Arts; Sketchbooks—Revelation, Art Space Gallery; Prince and Patron; Royal Collection Trust, Buckingham Palace
2017 The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts; Seeing through Drawing: A Celebration of John Berger, Mandell’s Gallery, Norwich
2016 BP Portrait Award exhibition, National Portrait Gallery
2015 The Last of the Tide the Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace
2014 “Of Green Leaf, Bird, and Flower”: Artists’ Books and the Natural World Yale Center for British Art(keynote opening lecture); BP Portrait Award exhibition National Portrait Gallery; the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens; the Scottish National Portrait Gallery
2012 BP Portrait Award: National Portrait Gallery, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter
2009 BP Portrait Award: National Portrait Gallery, Southampton City Art Gallery and the Dean Gallery, Edinburgh
2007 BP Portrait Award: National Portrait Gallery, Laing Gallery, National Portrait Gallery of Scotland
2006 Unregulated Printing, Cambridge University re:INVENTING: ING Bank and the National Maritime Museum
2005 Recent Acquisitions: Yale Centre for British Art, USA
2004 The Writer and the Garden, British Library
2002 Processes of Renewal: Toshiba Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum

selected commissions and awards

2024 Portrait commissions: Alison Rose (Principal of Newnham College Cambridge), Edward Young, Baron of Old Windsor, Dr. Jane Hughes (President, Magdalene College Cambridge)
2023-24 Official Coronation Artist
All England Lawn Tennis Club centenary commission
2020-21 Portrait commissions: Alan Rusbridger (then Principal of Lady Margaret Hall Oxford), Mark Damazer (then Master of St Peter’s College Oxford), Professor Ann Jefferson (New College, Oxford) D-Day Veteran, Jim Wren, Royal Marines (commissioned by HRH The Prince of Wales) and William Kaelin (Nobel Prize winner 2019)
2018 Portrait: HRH Prince of Wales (commissioned by Surrey County Cricket Club) and the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (commissioned by HRH The Prince of Wales)
2017 Portrait: Duchess of Cornwall (commissioned by HRH The Prince of Wales)
2016 Portrait: Alistair Urquhart, Gordon Highlanders 2nd Battalion (commissioned by HRH The Prince of Wales)
2016 Artist-in-Residence the Garden Museum; Portrait: HRH Prince of Wales
2015 Portrait commission: D-Day Veteran Robert Leake, 8th Battalion Parachute Regiment (Royal Collection Trust)
2012 Olympic Artist (tennis); Arts and Humanities Research Council Award Transforming Artist Books with Tate Research
2009 Championship Artist 2009: All England Lawn Tennis Club
2005 Muir Trust Artist-in-Residence: Buckinghamshire County Museum
2002 Arts and Humanities Research Board Award for The Poetry Box


Brigham University Utah, British Library, Buffalo University New York, Cambridge University Library, Esme Fairbairn Trust, Garden Museum London, Gleeson Library University of San Francisco, Government Art Collection, Graves Art Gallery Sheffield, Haarlem Staadsbiblioteheek, Houghton Library Harvard, Imperial War Museum London, Kent County Council, Lady Margaret Hall University of Oxford, Library of Congress Washington DC, London Borough of Camden, National Library of Australia, Newberry Library Chicago, Nuffield Foundation, Pallant House, Penguin Art Collection, Rijksmuseum-Meermanno Hague, New College University of Oxford, Royal Academy of Art London, Royal Collection Trust Buckingham Palace; Sheffield City Art Gallery, St Peter’s College University of Oxford, Stanford University, Surrey County Cricket Club, Tullie House City Museum Carlisle, Victoria and Albert Museum London, University of the Arts, London University of Guildford, University of Tulsa Oklahoma, Wake Forest University North Carolina, Williamson Art Gallery and Museum Merseyside, Yale Center for British Art

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